Brave new world
Title explaination: The book is called brave new world because this is one of the first things john says when he gets to hear that he is allowed to come to London. He things the live outside the reservoir is amazing, but when he gets to London he sees that the world isn’t ideal and that it is no utopia its quite the opposite it is a dystopia.
Summery (in one sentence): A genetically-engineered future where life is pain-free but meaningless.
Exposition: The part where john is the narrator, because everything is explained and introduced.
Complication: the ruler of the world state.
Climax: The moment that john tries to convince everyone that taking soma isn't good.
Resolution: There isn't given a resolution for the bad world that they live in. The people who don't fit in get send away, and one of them kills himself.
Start of the book: The book starts by telling us how people are created.
Narration: Two First person tellers.
Main characters: The book has two protagonist, but if I had to choose I would say john is the most important one because he shows us the most how bad the so called utopia really is. John is born the natural way in a reservoir and gets called the savage when he is in London. He lives a primitive life. He doesn’t know how to write and read at first. When Bernard brings him to London he goes crazy and that makes it even more clear to the reader that the future we see in brave new world isn’t as good as we though before.
Setting: The book is set in the future of our own world, in the year 2450 A.D. The planet is united politically as the “World State.”. Most of the book takes place in England, but also in new mexico, where the reservoir is placed.
Themes: The Use of Technology to Control Society.
Literary devices: Allusion,
Tone/mood: the firts part is naïve, because we read thing that we know that make no sense, while for the characters, this is totaly normal. The second part is first admiring, because john still sees the world outside the reservoir as amazing. Later he sees that it isn't so great and the tone gets sarcastic and mad.
Impotant Quotes: "Every one works for every one else. We can’t do without any one. Even Epsilons are useful. We couldn’t do without Epsilons. Every one works for every one else. We can’t do without any one." Don’t you even understand what manhood and freedom are?” Rage was making him fluent; the words came easily, in a rush. “Don’t you?” he repeated, but got no answer to his question. “Very well, then,” he went on grimly. “I’ll teach you. I’ll make you be free whether you want to or not.” "o brave new world"
Period context: Brave new world is written after World war 1 in a time of optimism and technological development but also of a financial crisis in America.
Genre: Dystopian novel.
Opinion: I didn’t liked the book when I first started reading it but when I was close to the end I started to understand why people think the book is good. The book got me thinking and that caught me to keep reading until I finished it. That is also the reason why I recommend the book. You start thinking and start seeing the world differently. The effect the book has is more important than liking the story.
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