A Court of Thorns and Roses

Feyre is a human in a hard world. Her family lost all their fortune and Feyre must now hunt to provide her family with food, but one strong winter she makes a mistake. She kills a wolf, but not just a wolf, a high Fae. After bringing his skin back to the town and selling it nothing seems wrong. Until a stranger arrives at their house and demands to know who killed the wolf. Feye tells him it was her who killed the wolf and is ready to face the concequences. A life for a life. the stranger offers Feyre a deal, she will go with him, to live with him on his estate above the wall, amongst the fae, until she dies. She agrees to go with him and they leave for his estate. Feyre doesn't want to live there, in her time there she slowely gets more comfortoble around the house. But it doesnt take long for her to learn what kind of dangerous creaters roam the lands. The estate of the man, who we get to know as Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, is cursed and they will alway have to wear animal masks on their faces. No one tells her what really happened and how the curse can be broken, not Tamlin, Not Lucien, who is the High Lords right hand, and not Alis, who takes care of her.

On night there is a party going on and feyre is told to stay away. As stubborn as she is still goes to the party where 3 stangers try to sweep her away from the crouds, only to be saved by another stranger, someone who is clearly not from the estate she lives in. Lucien finds her and tells her to go home, eventually she does. But by then it was far too late. By the time the reason ffo the party, a ritual had started. Tamlin had picked up feyre's scent and demended to know where she was, only she had left the party. Tamlin eventually found her in the house where he still wanted her and bit her neck. Nothing happened altough the feelings were mutual. Feyre loved him and he loved her. 

The stranger who saved her on th eparty turned out to be a big problem. Unexpectedly he, who we learn his name is Rhysand, showed up at the estated and demanded Tamil and Lucien to tell him who the human girl at the party was. Even though they try their best to hide Feyre, he still finds her. Rhysand asks her for a name, but Feyre gives him a fake one. Rhysand warns Tamlin and Lucien about what amarath wwoul think of this. Rhysand ends up leaving and Tamlin decides to send feyre back home. He tells her she loves her, but feyre doesn't say it back.

Once back home she learns that Tamlin took good care of her family and that they are now rich again. Her Sisters, Elain and Nesta, and her father are all there and seem to do a lot better. Tamlin put a glamour over feyre's family, but Nesta sees right trough it. Nesta demends to know what happened and even Elain gets to hear the full story. Nesta tells her that she shoeld go back to Tamlins lands. She returns back to the estate only to find out Tamlin and Lucien aren't there anymore. Alis is and she tells Feyre everything that happened and that she could have broken the curse on the Spring Court if only she had said i live you back to Tamin. Tamlin and Lucien are now at a place under the mountain where amarath rules. Feyre needs to tell Tamlin how she feels and wants to free him from Amarath. Alis takes her to a tunnel that leads under the mountains and Feyre goes in to save Tamlin. Once under the mountain she can't stay hidden and is forced to appear before amarath. Feyre makes a bargain with her. If she survives 3 tasks or solve a riddle, Tamlin and everyone else will be free,  if she fails she dies. Every full moon she will have to do a trial. She gets beaten up until her bones are broken and trown into prison. Lucien comes to her aid and helps her get better. 

The first trial arrives and it will not be easy. Feyre has to defeat a dangerous creature, much like a giant worm with razor sharp teeth. but not only that she has to do that while in a labyrinth. By a small hole in the wall she escaped the worm, but that just creates a new problem. She ends up falling into a hole filled with mud and bones. Feyre is smart and comes up with an idea to defeat the worm. she uses the bones to make stairs out of the hole. At the top she uses more bones that she breaks in two. Feyre builds a trap for the work by using the sharp parts of the bone to hurt him. Only one problem, she has to lure the worm to where she is. Remembering what corners she took, she finds the worm, but only by a warning from Lucien. Feyre runs to the trap, with the worm close behind her. The trap works, but the worm still manages to get her. He bits her arm, leaving a nasty wound.

After her trial Feyre gets locked back up in her cell, where the wound starts infecting. If she doesnt get help she will die. Lucky and unlucky at the same time Rhysand shows up. he wants to make a bargain with her. if she succeds to survive the trials, she will have to be living at his court, The Night Court, for 2 weeks every month. After a lot of struggeling they agree, one week every month feyre will live with him, the rest of the month she lives with Tamlin. Rhysand heals her wounds and a tattoo appears on her arm. A mark for the deal she made with him.

The second trial arrives. This time Feyre's life is not the only one in danger. Lucien is tied up on the other side of a fence from where Feyre is. Only She can save both of them from being crused. Feyre as to read a text, the text will tell her what lever she neads to pull to save their lives. Problem, Feyre doesnt know how to read. Time is running out so she needs to at least try a handel. Suddenly a voice appears in her head and helps her decide what lever to pull. She pulls the right lever and both of them are safe. 






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